KII - Kidsave International Inc
KII stands for Kidsave International Inc
Here you will find, what does KII stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Kidsave International Inc? Kidsave International Inc can be abbreviated as KII What does KII stand for? KII stands for Kidsave International Inc. What does Kidsave International Inc mean?Kidsave International Inc is an expansion of KII
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Alternative definitions of KII
- Kronos International Inc.
- Kudu Industries Inc.
- Keller Interiors Inc.
- Kucera International Inc.
- Knighten Industries Inc
- Keeler Instruments Inc
- Kingfisher International Inc.
View 21 other definitions of KII on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- KCF Kidscare Charity Foundation
- KCM Kidspace Children's Museum
- KP KidsPeace
- KAOTAD&CI Kidsports, Another Option To Alcohol, Drugs & Crime, Inc.
- KLDI Kieve's Leadership Decisions Institute
- KKTF Killearn Kiwanis of Tallahassee Florida
- KCSIT Killeen Crime Stoppers Inc. of Texas
- KPF Kim Physiotherapy Foundation
- K Kimbercote
- KPLRF Kimberly Patterson Leukemia Research Fund
- KFCSI Kindle Farm Children's Service, Inc.
- KKWRIPNY Kindred Kingdoms Wildlife Rehabilitation Inc. of Pennellville, New York
- KTNI Kinetic Travel Network Inc.
- KDCS King David Community School
- KC King's Chapel
- KCP Kingdom County Productions
- KH Kingdom House
- KBYMYWHAB Kings Bay YM-YWHA of Brooklyn
- KCATSS Kings County Alternative Transportation Service Society
- KCC Kingsborough Community College